More Mature with Age

Truth is, I think getting older is pretty cool, and I found a 30 year old who agrees with me. She said she thinks she has become more mature as she has aged. The stuff that used to annoy her just isn't on her radar anymore.

Being closer to the finish line than the start has made me much more conscious of what I give my time to as well. There’s no more wasting it on second guessing myself or wondering what others think of me. Sometimes the self-doubt quietly sneaks back in, but it's not allowed to set up camp anymore.

I also used to think (and I've been told a few times) that as you got older you get weaker and less relevant. But I heard a podcast by Arthur Brooks who says the second half of our life can be our strongest and happiest time - we're wiser and we stop chasing material goals. Then we can appreciate what's most important and be grateful for every new day we're gifted.

However many days I have left, that's how I want to live them.

Photo by Adrian Infernus on Unsplash

Deb Rae